WWE: Smackdown at Moda Center

Moda Center at the Rose Quarter, Portland, Oregon



WWE at Moda Center at the Rose Quarter



WWE: Smackdown

Moda Center at the Rose Quarter

WWE tickets

Ladies and Gentlemen! Are! You! Ready! For the WWE SMACKDOWN this 10th of January of 2025! With main superstar appearances such as the legendary Roman Reigns coming back to defend his ultimate title.

All night, no surrender, 1 victor .. Who will it be! Join thousands of other die hard fans for this spectacular event at the one and only Moda Centre at the Rose Quater. Prepare to see rivalry like never before in this all time legendary sporting event and display as fighters make their way to hopefully bring home the title of WWE SmackDown Champion!

Be warned to not get too close to the ring as the possibilities are endless and you could very well have a super star thrown into your laps.

Don't even think about missing out on this timeless all star event, get your tickets right now through the link below and prepare for the SmackDown of the century!

Ladies and Gentlemen, don't waste even a second when it comes to securing your own seats for the legendary WWE SmackDown! Gather with countless other die hard fans as you all ready to witness history in the making with Legends defending their title as others seek to oppose the champ and bring home the bolt in a stride of absolute glory. Whilst setting up the target on their backs for the next event to come!

Coming to you live this January 10th of 2025 at the one and only Moda Centre at the Rose Quater. Watch as the tensions are higher than ever and the fights become most unpredictable with Rivals bonding, Rivals ending, and Rivals conquering. Brought to you by the legendary, one and only, all time legendary sport WWE! With this legendary show reaching an astonishing yearly revenue of well over a BILLION dollars! you can rest assured knowing that they are going all out on their special effects, extras, and secret fights yet to be revealed.

With the company having a fan base that covers well in to the hundreds of millions, this is sure to be an event that will sell out in a flash and that you will be kicking yourself for missing out on an event of a lifetime! But be warned, as those of you lucky enough to get front row seats will be in the "Splash Zone", with tensions as high as they are now, there's no telling what could happen, and the fights could very well leave the ring and make their way even closer to you!

Folks, this is truly an event for the ages that is 100% going to be attended by crowds of thousands of die hard WWE supporters and enthusiasts. Now It's Time!!! Get your tickets for you and your friends right now by smashing the link below to claim your spot at this sure to be historic event. Join the masses and place your bets as the biggest names in WWE take all their skills as well as their grudges to the stage to settle debuts once and for all!

About the Venue

moda center at the rose quarter

Moda Center at the Rose Quarter

Moda Center at the Rose Quarter, Portland, Oregon, 97227, US